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Category: the Journey
Courage from God
God gives me courage whenever I face difficult social situations. as an autistic person sometimes I have anxieties in social situations. Sometimes I get nervous when going to a party where I am not sure what the schedule will be, I also get nervous when needing to advocate for myself. When adressing these situations it’s… Read more
A Godly example
We as christians must set a Godly example for those around us. In these turbulent times, we must look to God to be our guide for we are called by God to reflect his love into the world. that is not to say that we ignore sin but we are to lead others who are… Read more
Peace in uncertinty
Over the last month I have had to really lean on God for peace, since a lot of my attempts to get a job seem to have slowed down somewhat. While I have worked to search for a job I have received a desire for God to give me a specific word regarding a job… Read more
Stability in Uncertainty
One of the biggest mountain’s that life can present is uncertainty. Uncertainty is a major source of fear in the world today. With how volatile the world is that fear is understandable. In my life currently I have not had a lot of success in finding a job, this is a source of concern for… Read more
The Process of Change
Often Change is one of the many difficult aspects of the Mountain of life. Over the past seven months my church has been transitining our Pastor for the second time in a year. This last time came out of a lot of personnel issues with our previous Pastor. Thus there was a lot of concern… Read more
Hello World my name is Joshua and this is my blog. Here I will discuss various aspects of my life and thoughts and talk about my intrests. Read more
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Read more