climbing life's mountains

Our news

  • Anticipation

    This week I finally have a job interview. In my anticipation for my interview I also feel a sense of anxiety. This is my first interview and I feel nervous. In times like this I remember 1 Peter 5:7 which says to cast all our anxiety’s onto the Lord, the Lord provides peace for those…


  • God’s timing

    One of the biggest mountains we face is the mountain of our own impatience. Often we find ourselves wondering why God isn’t bringing about certain blessings within a specific time frame. For me I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to find a job before the year as out, but God has opened the…


  • The Faithfulness of God.

    The faithfulness of God is something that I’m eternally grateful for. In Matthew 28:20 Jesus promises that he is always with us to the end of the age.. Jesus will never forsake us and he will see us through the difficult periods in our lives. When the mountains of life feel overwhelming God’s faithfulness sustains…


  • Peace

    As I explore options for work I am reminded by God that he gives me the strength to keep climbing the mountains of life. John 14:27 tells us that Jesus has given us a sense of peace, and since we have peace we need not to fear or be troubled by the mountains of life.…


  • Vision

    Recently in church we have been discussing the vision we have for our church. On a personnel level, vision is God’s direction for our lives and when we here his voice we hear his direction. I desire to hear God’s direction for my life and I must always remember to keep my eyes on him.…


  • Strength and vision

    God gives us a special strength, to get through the day and the mountains of life. Currently I look to the Lord for strength when looking for a job. I also look to the Lord for help in finding vision for my life. As I look to the future of my life I lean into…


  • The hope of God

    Quick one today. Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed God brings peace to you. My sleeping issue has been fixed and now I am once again seeing movement on the job front. I know that I draw my strength from God who is my rock. The mountains of Life can be climbed with God’s help.


  • Peace

    Sometimes the mountains we climb in life can cause us to become stressed. This can translate to difficulty sleeping and other side affects. God has been reminding me of the love peace and refuge in him and through him I and others who struggle with stress will find peace. When we feel stress and we…


  • All of God’s strength

    I sometimes grow restless and fight depression when I look at my current situation. I don’t have a job though I am still looking, this restlessness can be exhausting, and sometimes I feel tempted to slip into depression. In times like this I must lean into God’s strength and his peace. Isaiah 40:31 says that…


  • Courage from God

    God gives me courage whenever I face difficult social situations. as an autistic person sometimes I have anxieties in social situations. Sometimes I get nervous when going to a party where I am not sure what the schedule will be, I also get nervous when needing to advocate for myself. When adressing these situations it’s…