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Category: the Journey
Trusting God in the midst of anxiety and doubt 12/30/24
Over the last couple of days I have been wrestling with anxiety and doubt. It all started when a lot of the insecurities and concerns I have been faced with, job search slowing, going another year single, and still being dependent on my family for transportation started to build within me, a lot of frustration… Read more
Merry Christmas 2024
In the Charlie Brown Christmas special Linus recites the Nativity passage. This has always been my favorite scene in any Christmas special. In the midst of a struggle to understand the Holiday in the midst of the commercial aspect of the season, Linus gives a perfect and poignant summation of the true reason for the… Read more
Holiday reflections
As we approach Christmas we often reflect on the old year behind us. When I look back at the year I feel like God is preparing me to climb and conquer new mountains in 2025. God I feel is preparing me for new and exiting opportunities ahead. I hold fast to the hope he has… Read more
Trusting God
God works things out for our benefit. We trust God with all things. We are God’s children and as his children we can and should put our faith in him. We know that God keeps his promises. As he did over 2000 years ago when he sent his Son to help us. When we trust… Read more
The Christmas season
As I get ready to move into another Christmas season, I prepare to reflect on God’s blessing of sending his son. God took his people on a journey that led to the gospel. God guided those who were seeking to his son with a star and through the humble circumstance of his sons birth showed… Read more
As we come up on Thanksgiving I am thankful for the opportunities that God has given to me. I have new internships and and potential employment. I am grateful for all the opening doors that God is presenting to me. I give thanks to God for all his provisions. Read more
God’s power
I have recently being revisiting the Book of Exodus and one thing that stands out to me about it know is how God proved his faithfulness to his people even in their darkest hour. Through the Plagues and the parting of the Red sea God showed his power in all its amazing and sometimes terrifying… Read more
God brings opportunity
God is the source of all opportunity. Since last week I have seen God work in my life to open doors and I have been happy and filled with joy for the opportunity. Currently God is working on a job at a podcast company. Jeremiah 29:11 promises a hope and a future, God helps us… Read more
Trusting God
Tomorrow is a big day in my country. It’s Election Day in the U.S, it’s a time that can be tense and divisive time. We all have our political ideals, and beliefs, but we as Children of God I feel that we have a responsibility to be Christlike in these tense times. God equips us… Read more
God’s will
When we discuss how God looks after us we must remember how God’s will is always designed to work for our benefit. When I look to my continuing journey to find a job I remember that God uses hardship to draw us closer to him. By putting my trust in God I have faith that… Read more