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A Man of God
These last several days I have been studying the life of David. From his anointing until is death, David was used by God to bring his people to new heights. David was not a perfect man by any means, but he was still a devoted follower of God. David is called a man after God’s own heart, because he followed God faithfully, and persistently. Even when he messed up David was willing to humble his heart before God and repent of his sin. God blessed David and even made a covenant with David that one of his descendants would forever sit on the throne of Israel. God remained faithful to this covenant even when David and his descendants frequently messing up and turning away from him. God’s covenant with David led to the birth and ministry of Jesus Christ, who through his death and ressurection made a way for all people to come into God’s kingdom. One day Jesus will return to reing over the World thus fulfilling God’s covanent with David.
As a Christian David’s story is an inspiration for me. His faithfulness and heart towards God is an example for all who call on Jesus as Lord. David showed faithfulness to God and God blessed David and forgave him of his transgressions, even as the consequences of those sins affected his family. I can trust God to show his grace and to bring me over the mountains of life as long as I stay faithful to him.
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