climbing life's mountains

Repentance and Confession

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2 Samuel 11-12:23 recounts the story of David and Bathsheba. When David went out onto his roof he saw Bathsheba bathing and lusted after her. He slept with her, orchestrated the death of her husband, and took her for his own ( 1 Samuel 11). This sin displeased God who sent the prophet Nathan to rebuke him. When called out David repented and God forgave him though the affects of his sin still haunted him ( 2 Samuel 12:1-23).

Mankind is sinful and because we are sinful we will always fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). That is why we need a savior . I fall short constantly, and I pray that God will have mercy on me. fortunately God provided a way for us to be forgiven. through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ we are given justification. when we express belief in Jesus and put our faith in him we are given the Holy Spirit. Our sins are for given and we are transformed to be like Jesus. We aren’t perfect but we are covered by the blood of Jesus. When we confess our sins before him he is faithful to forgive us. God will help us to overcome the mountains of temptation with the grace of God.

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