climbing life's mountains

Stability in Uncertainty

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One of the biggest mountain’s that life can present is uncertainty. Uncertainty is a major source of fear in the world today. With how volatile the world is that fear is understandable. In my life currently I have not had a lot of success in finding a job, this is a source of concern for me as I had hoped to find a job by now. The uncertainty of my current situation can feel daunting and sometimes I feel like I will never be able to get a job. In situations like this God reminds me that he has plans for my prosperity. I recently attended revival which focused on bringing peace and unity to my neighborhood of Santa Clarita through showing the love of God. The bigger thing that God has shown me in this revival is to always place my faith in him. Through faith in God I can find peace and certainty in my future. I can be sure that God is working for my benefit. Uncertainty is just another mountain to climb.

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